Thursday, January 05, 2017

Social Media Podcasting - Baladodiffusion Weblogs Education Langues

Le podcasting ou baladodiffusion est un moyen de diffusion de fichiers audio sur le web, auxquels peuvent s´abonner les internautes, via un flux de syndication (RSS). Les termes audioblog, radioblog ou podcast représentent différentes variantes intégrant des fichiers son, du streaming ou un fil RSS dans un weblog. Source: Weblogs – Médias – Podcasting


Podcasting can provide access to a large amount of authentic input,as well as to teaching materials of varying quality that have different approaches to language learning behind them (depending on the content provider): from behaviourist to cognitive constructivist and communicative approaches, situated learning, and lifelong learning. The impact of podcasting on learning in general and language learning in particular could be similar to the impact of the arrival of the Internet in terms of giving access to language learning materials (Rosell-Aguilar, 2007)

Baladodiffusion / Podcasting  Education Langues
Social Media Education Podcasting Apprentissage Langues
Podcasting, Langues et Médias Sociaux (Réseaux Education FLE Langues)
Historique Premiers Podcasts Apprentissage Langues
Réseaux Médias Sociaux et Apprentissage des langues - Language learning and social networks